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Submissions open

Orphans will be a yearbook of sorts, the first in a series of annual publications from in·ter·sti·tial press. At the close of each year, the press will publish something that gathers assorted misfits, leftovers and might-have-beens.

The word ‘orphan’ has roots in the Greek word Orphos, meaning bereft. The concept lives in many different forms, but it has come to designate a piece of writing which gets cut out of a project. Orphans are excised ideas, left to one side and laying in wait. In the language of graphic design, an orphan is a sentence or phrase left left behind by its paragraph, "alone at the bottom" of the page. This publication will be a gathering place for orphans, an annual catalogue of lost ideas. Here, they can live as fragments, without needing to be anything more than that.

Your orphan can be anywhere between a few sentences and a few pages. It can be that beautiful sentence that you couldn't quite make fit into a paragraph, or an exhibition proposal or syllabus that was never taken up, or one of those tangents to which you were really attached, but which ultimately didn't contribute to your argument in a scholarly paper. 

This will be a quick-turnaround, minimally edited project that will come out at the end of 2021. Submissions close 31 October 2021.


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Brotes: Book Launch and Performance

Online | Zoom

Elefanta Editorial and in•ter•sti•tial press present Brotes, a book of poems and photographs written during the first wave of COVID-19 by Alexandra Délano Alonso. Join us on April 23rd for a book launch event, including a reading by the author with music by Shahzad Ismaily. The event will be in English and Spanish with introductions by the editors Emiliano Becerril and Macushla Robinson, followed by Q&A. 

Registered attendees will receive the Zoom link via email. 

Sponsored by the The Zolberg Institute and Global Studies at The New School.


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Brotes in the press

Spanish language:

"Brotes de Alexandra Délano, Elefanta Editorial" Marvin 9 de abril de 2021.

"Entrevista con Alexandra Délano sobre BrotesEscritoras Mexicanas 8 de abril de 2021.

"Brotes", Periódico de Poesía UNAM 5 de abril de 2021.

"Brotes plasma el duelo y la esperanza durante la pandemia" Crónica 1 de abril de 2021.

English language:

Alexandra Délano Alonso with Sandra Rozental: Poetics, Politics and the Pandemic" The Brooklyn Rail April 2021.